What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is a form of therapy, which focuses on the connections between the different anatomical structures and is therefore able to remove many more ailments. Because this appealed to me, I started a 5-year course at “The International Academy of Osteopathy”. To successfully finish this course, a thesis needs to be written. My research focused on which therapy is most effective with tension in the neck. Because of this I am registered as D.O.-MRO (Member of the Register of Osteopaths) since the summer of 2008. I am also registered with the Dutch Osteopathy Registry and a member of the Dutch Osteopathy Union.
Osteopathy is a manual form of treatment which goal it is to normalize the mobility of all structures within the body. This will affect the blood flow, the activity of the central nervous system and the pulling forces of the different structures. Because of this the body is able to utilize its self-healing power to its full extent. The osteopath will examine all bodily structures, and not just the posture and movement, like a physical/manual therapist, but also different structures like viscera (intestines) and the cranium (skull) and so forth. It’s a combination of manual therapy, craniosacral therapy and visceral techniques. The osteopath assumes that all bodily structures are of influence on each other; this is a base of holistic teachings. Therefore it is possible for an osteopath to find the cause of a permanent or recurring ailment whereas other therapies are unable to find a solution.
The form of treatment can vary between rather subtle and quite strong, where the human body is always respected! The osteopath seemingly works on the outside of the body, but in reality the deeper tissues are also treated. The patient will often experience a sense of warmth, tingles or prickles. With strong blockages in the back, neck or pelvis it might be necessary to restore the blockages, because crooked movement of the vertebrae, ribs and/or pelvis causes pressure on the nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels, resulting in a disruption of the balance in the body.
The first consult takes between 45 minutes. The length of the following treatments will vary between 40 and 45 minutes, depending on the reaction of your body to the treatment. It is possible for 3 or 4 treatments to be sufficient in removing the ailments. There will be an evaluation after 3 to 4 treatments to see if a positive change has occurred. If this is not the case, we will discuss if further treatment is useful. Acute ailments can usually be treated within 3 to 5 treatments. With long, persistent ailments complete recovery will take longer and will require additional treatments.
Osteopathy for babies and children
Children demand special attention in medicine and osteopathy. Because children are growing and developing, both mentally and physically, the treatment is quite different from an adult treatment.
Most common ailments with children:
- Crybabies
- Constipation
- Positional molding
- Ear- and sinus infection
- Headache
- Stomach ache
- Scoliosis
- Pelvic problems
- Growing pains
- Trouble sleeping
- Stomach-, back- and joint complaints
Also children with a physical, mental or multiple handicap and children who are recovering from surgery can benefit from an osteopathic treatment.
Enno Schaaf

I am Enno Schaaf. Born in 1971, married and father of two sons. In 1993, I graduated as a physical therapist. In January 2009 I started an osteopathy practice in ‘Westland’ and The Hague.
During my first years as a physical therapist I specialized in sports physiotherapy and medical training. It surprised me how many patients had complaints which I couldn’t treat with my knowledge of physical therapy. I found it was time to broaden my knowledge. I chose osteopathy.
Possible ailments that can be treated with osteopathy
- Problems regarding birth
- Problems regarding growth
- Problems regarding the spine
- Problems regarding the organs
- Pre- and postnatal follow-up of mother and baby
- Preventive examination
- Pain, stiffness in the back
- Pain, stiffness in the neck
- Ankle-, knee-, hip-, wrist-, elbow- or shoulder pains
- Whiplash, other posttraumatic complaints
- RSI complaints
- Radiation to arms, fingers, legs or toes
- Sleeping hands or arms
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic inflammation (tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis)
- Heavy legs, fatigue in legs
- Posture problems
- Headaches, migraine
- Intestine complaints, constipations, diarrhea
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus
- Lower belly complaints, bladder problems, endometriosis
- Facial pain
- Tension headaches
- Stress complaints
- Swallow complaints
- Chest pain, sternum pain
- Jaw joint complaints
- Nausea
- Stomach problems, stomach pains, acid reflux
- Menstrual problems
- Pelvic problems, pelvic instability (during pregnancy or after birth)
- Pain in belly
- Pain in diaphragm
- Complaints after surgery, scarring
- Adhesions
- Feet complaints, ankle complaints
The price for one osteopathy treatment is 89 euro. The first consult takes around 45 minutes. The length of the following treatments will vary between 40 and 45 minutes. A follow-up consult for children is 30 minutes and costs 62 euro.
Because of my NVO/NRO-membership, it is possible that your health insurance will cover part or all of the costs of treatment.
To make an appointment you can find our contact details on the contact page.